Re: FTP DoS - PORT and PASV effected.

From: Henrik Nordstrom (hnoat_private)
Date: Thu Dec 09 1999 - 15:49:24 PST

  • Next message: Hugo.van.der.Kooijat_private: "Re: FTP denial of service attack"

    Darren Reed wrote:
    > btw, a similar sort of attack can be mounted using the PORT command.
    > You just need to setup a local listener, etc, or get the ftp server
    > to try connect to lots of network 10 sites in < 75 seconds before
    > TCP connect's start timing out.  I'll leave that as an exercise for
    > the reader - a correct fix for the PASV problem should fix this one
    > as well (and the exploit is almost the same too).
    I think the some development version of wu-ftpd is safe from the PORT
    version of the attack. PORT (or default) data connection can only be
    used once per transfer, and the some development versions of wu-ftpd
    requires the client to close the data connection before it acknowledging
    the transfer, thereby limiting the PORT version of the attack to once
    per control connection. Most versions (i.e. the versions currently
    commonly used) does not do this and can be exploited using PORT.
    Thinking of it the PASV based attack can be stopped by similar (generic)
    measures. Simply do NOT accept the establishment of a new data
    connection unless the client has closed the previous connection. This
    could be done in at least two ways without any noticeable impact on RFC
    a) When closing any existing data connection due to port specification
    change, make sure the client also closes it's end of the connection
    before continuing processing.
    b) Do not accept the establishment of a new data connection until the
    client has fully closed down any previous connection.
    Of the two, alternative b is the one least likely to cause
    interoperability problems with clients behaving badly. Both methods are
    fully generic and not tied to any connection establishement method.
    The FTP server should also clearly log (and close) any open data channel
    on exit, to alert the administrator that there may be a problem.
    Simply closing the control connection if a second PASV command is seen
    is in my eyes not a good approach. While it may stop this particular DOS
    it is very specific and can probably be fooled in one way or another. It
    is also in violation of the spirit of RFC 959.
    Henrik Nordstrom

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