Re: Announcement: Solaris loadable kernel module backdoor

From: Ralf-Philipp Weinmann (
Date: Sun Dec 26 1999 - 09:01:33 PST

  • Next message: The Wall: "FTPPro insecuities"

    Keith Owens <kaosat_private> writes:
    > On Tue, 21 Dec 1999 14:33:50 -0800,
    > pedwardat_private wrote:
    > >At boot, compile the list of modules that are 'known good' (for the sake
    > >of argument, it's the /lib/modules/x.y.z), then write the list, with
    > >MD5 checksums, to a write once /proc interface to kmod.
    > >
    > >kmod would check the MD5 sum before loading the requested module, if it didn't
    > >match the in-kernel list, don't allow it.
    > kmod does not load modules.  It starts a kernel thread and invokes
    > modprobe.  modprobe runs /etc/modules.conf and the the dependency chain
    > then loads anywhere between zero and n modules.  All of this work is in
    > user space and it is all outside kernel control.
    However I'd like to point out that you could add call a routine to
    compute the MD5 or SHA-1 hash of the data copied with copy_from_user()
    in sys_init_module() and reject it if it doesn't match a precomputed
    value (which has to be securely stored somewhere in kernel space for
    each and every module that the is allowed to be loaded).
    A scheme I'd prefer would be to have a trusted signing key in the kernel
    and allow the user to write a signed list of modules and their
    respective hash values to say /proc/securemodules. This allows for
    utmost flexibility and security IMHO.
    Ralf-P. Weinmann (
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