Re: Apache mod_ssl off-by-one vulnerability

From: H D Moore (sflistat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 26 2002 - 19:46:12 PDT

  • Next message: FreeBSD Security Advisories: "FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-02:28.resolv"

    Just to confirm, the bug exists in 2.8.9 and earlier? The first part of the 
    advisory mentions 2.4.9, so a casual reader may assume they are unaffected if 
    they don't read all the way to the bottom...
    On Monday 24 June 2002 15:47, Jedi/Sector One wrote:
    > Product: mod_ssl -
    > Date: 06/24/2002
    > Summary: Off-by-one in mod_ssl 2.4.9 and earlier
     [ snip ]
    > The mod_ssl development team was very reactive and a new version has just
    > been released. mod_ssl 2.8.10 addresses the vulnerability and it is
    > freely available from . Upgrading from an earlier
    > release is painless.

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