Re: CRIME Perspective on Criticisms leveled at Microsoft

From: Crispin Cowan (crispin@private)
Date: Tue Apr 09 2002 - 21:09:02 PDT

  • Next message: Alan: "Re: CRIME Perspective on Criticisms leveled at Microsoft"

    Alan wrote:
    >On Tuesday 09 April 2002 02:06 pm, Jere Retzer wrote:
    >>Seems like everyone is going to philosophize so I might as well join:
    >>1) Security holes are proportional to bugs is proportional to lines of code
    >>-- Win 2000 is what--30 million lines? 
    >Sometimes I think this "estimate" is used as an excuse for bad code.  It makes 
    >it seem as if security flaws are inevitable, so why bother.  With proper 
    >attention, this sort of problem should be a minor problem, not a regular 
    I'm not sure I get your point. W2K was about 30 MLOC (Million Lines Of 
    Code). XP is more like 45 MLOC. These numbers are "estimates" in that 
    they may be off by a million lines, here or there :)
    It is indisputable that bugs happen. It's not an excuse for bad code, 
    bugs always happen.  Dilligence can reduce the rate at which bugs 
    happen, but a very, VERY low rate would be 1 per thousand lines of code. 
    That means 45,000 bugs in XP.
    And that, in turn, is why I'm ranting about bad design. The equivalent 
    piece of code in Linux (the kernel) is about 1 MLOC. So if we just 
    assume equivalent code quality (which is pretty generous considering 
    Microsoft's record) then XP will have approximately 45 TIMES as many 
    vulnerabilites as Linux.
    Of course its not that simple. In large part, comparing the size of the 
    kernels is meaningless, because most security vulnerabilities are in the 
    applications, not the kernel. So we would need some way to compare the 
    MLOCs of code running as root or as children of inetd on Linux against 
    the MLOCs of code that XP offers as services. That, in turn, is so 
    subject to configuration vagueries that we inevitably end up with an 
    apples/orange situation.
    >>2) Microsoft philosophy of embrace,
    >>extend, 3rd party developers makes it inherently easy to hack
    >Microsoft makes a number of rules for developers as to what they can and 
    >cannot do.  Unfortunately, they ignore those rules when it is to their own 
    >advantage.  For example, in order to get MS Office to work on NT Terminal 
    >Server, you need to give everyone WRITE access to the system directory.
    That's another one of those failures to apply the Principle of Least 
    Privilege: Office should not require write access to such a sensitive 
    directory. Note also, that this is a security defect in Office, not Windows.
    Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
    Chief Scientist, WireX Communications, Inc.
    Security Hardened Linux Distribution:
    Available for purchase:

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