RE: CRIME Archive of list on the web

From: George Heuston (GeorgeH@private)
Date: Mon Apr 22 2002 - 08:07:16 PDT

  • Next message: James Wilcox: "RE: CRIME Archive of list on the web"

    The Infragard program followed CRIME by a number of years.  CRIME was
    already well established before InfraGard came to town to replicate what we
    have in CRIME.  InfraGard  in Portland is in the process of considering
    setting up its own separate membership and list.  If they do, I'm not sure
    that even they can keep anyone out there with access from archiving,
    regardless of what's agreed to--or what the sanction would be for it--save
    to eliminated the miscreant from the membership.  As a courtesey to
    assisting the InfraGard program's establishment in Portland, It was allowed
    to be co-located the CRIME group. OTOH, I don't see where the archive itself
    references InfraGard at all, or earmarks which posts are form InfraGard
    members and which are not.  Now that we know the archive is there, if
    there's heartburn about it, it's creator may be willing to switch it off.
    However, CRIME, since its inception, has been a public group and list. It
    has over 350 subscribers.  
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Lyle Leavitt
    To: crime@private; Zot O'Connor; George Heuston
    Sent: 4/22/02 1:52 AM
    Subject: Re: CRIME Archive of list on the web
    Looking for a clue.......
    It was my understanding (which may have been incorrect) that CRIME
    (crime@private) was to be a private moderated list and was limited
    to those individuals who had submitted an Infragard "Non-Secure
    Membership Application". That application contained the following
    optional clause.
    "Does the InfraGard Applicant intend to protect from public disclosure
    its relationship with InfraGard, and request that members of lnfraGard
    protect from public disclosure the InfraGard Applicant's relationship
    with lnfraGard to the full extent permitted by law?"
    Am I mistaken about this list?
    According to Majordomo@private, CRIME is NOT a public list.
    However, the content of INFO from Majordomo makes no reference to
    Please, could Zot or George clear this up so we can move on.
    Crispin Cowan wrote:
    > I have no problem at all with the list archive. I don't believe that
    > permission was needed to create an archive. Anyone who postd a message
    > to this (or any similar) mailing list with any expectation of privacy
    > clueless, and gets what they deserve. As Greg said, unless you
    > personally know everyone on a list, treat it as if it is archived,
    > because it very likely is.
    > Crispin
    > --
    > Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
    > Chief Scientist, WireX Communications, Inc.
    > Security Hardened Linux Distribution:
    > Available for purchase:

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