Re: CRIME Wiretapping WiFi [SUMMARY?

From: Zot O'Connor (zot@private)
Date: Mon Oct 20 2003 - 13:20:06 PDT

  • Next message: Zot O'Connor: "CRIME CNN: Woman sentenced for reading e-mail of husband's ex-wife"

    On Wed, 2003-10-15 at 18:15, Brian Varine wrote:
    > As for WiFi..there doesn't seem to be a good answer but encrypting it would
    > seem to add a lot of legal protection even if the encryption scheme is
    > flawed.
    This is what is know as "raising the bar."  WEP, while utter crap, is it
    equivalent of "Click enter if you are over 18," or "Authorized Personnel
    Only."  It puts the onus of proof of authorized access squarely on the
    shoulders of the listener.
    The issue with the courts will be the "Expected Right of Privacy."  You
    do not have a EROP when shouting at a crowded mall, but whispering in
    your on house you do.  WLAN with WEP on clearly means you *expect* it to
    be private.  
    For a LEO to *decrypt* it and to declare it "Public Airwaves" is a bit
    facetious.  Now to capture it, and later get a court order/warrant to
    break the encryption it is another story.
    Now, let added the Cordless phone issues in.....
    What about VoIP over WLAN?
    Zot O'Connor

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