Re: CRIME Wiretapping WiFi [SUMMARY?

From: Brian Varine (WitchDr@private)
Date: Wed Oct 15 2003 - 18:15:20 PDT

  • Next message: Microsoft: "CRIME [VIRUS] Use this patch immediately !"

    >1. Whether or not someone can snoop/eavedrops/view your communications
    depends on what you are transmitting and what the LEO's think you are (
    terrorist >| person aiding a terrorist | music distributor | spammer |
    hacker | other bad person ).  Note that you do not have to be convicted of
    one of these, just suspected > for the wiretap to be authorized.
    Of course you don't have to be convicted to get a wiretap authorized. If you
    were convicted, there'd be no reason for a wiretap in the first place.
    Also, it doesn't matter what the LEO's think you are, it matters what the
    judge rules. If the judge says no wiretap.
    As for WiFi..there doesn't seem to be a good answer but encrypting it would
    seem to add a lot of legal protection even if the encryption scheme is

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