
From: Marcelo Abdalla dos Reis (ra000504at_private)
Date: Fri Nov 02 2001 - 09:51:45 PST

  • Next message: daniel heinonen: "Re: information"

    I am a master student at University of Campinas - Brazil. My research is
    related to computer forensics and I am particularly interested in
    fonrensic standards and procedures. Unfortunately there is a lack of
    references in this field.
    I would like to ask how is the actual state of the research on
    computer forensic standards. I mean, are there papers related to this
    issue ? 
    Some more technical questions:
    1.What is the difference between criminalistics and forensic science ?
    2.Should I refer to computer forensics as a science or discipline ?
    3.Are there laws governing electronic evidence in US, and other countries
    4.Could you point me some references related to these questions ?
    |                Marcelo Abdalla dos Reis                    |
    |        Bacharel em Ciência da Computação - UFMS            |
    |                 Mestrando em Computação                    |
    |               Instituto de Computação - IC                 |
    |        Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP         |
    | Laboratório de Administração e Segurança de Sistemas - LAS |
    |                marcelo.reisat_private                  |
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