RE: information

From: Mike Gilles (mike.gillesat_private)
Date: Mon Nov 05 2001 - 08:27:03 PST

  • Next message: Thomas Akin: "Re: information" has some great PDF documents on Response Procedures Policies
    and Computer forensics dealing with the US Navy's SHADOW program.  Might be
    worth checking out.  Unfortunately I believe they're a bit pricey.  
    Good Luck!
     Michael John Gilles
     Lead Security Engineer, MCSE
     Ext. 204
     616.901.9720 mobile
     ITM Technology, LLC.
     5940 Tahoe DR. S.E. Suite 110
     Grand Rapids, MI 49546
     616.464.1361 office
     616.464.1362 fax
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Marcelo Abdalla dos Reis [mailto:ra000504at_private]
    Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 12:52 PM
    To: tct-usersat_private
    Cc: forensicsat_private
    Subject: information
    I am a master student at University of Campinas - Brazil. My research is
    related to computer forensics and I am particularly interested in
    fonrensic standards and procedures. Unfortunately there is a lack of
    references in this field.
    I would like to ask how is the actual state of the research on
    computer forensic standards. I mean, are there papers related to this
    issue ? 
    Some more technical questions:
    1.What is the difference between criminalistics and forensic science ?
    2.Should I refer to computer forensics as a science or discipline ?
    3.Are there laws governing electronic evidence in US, and other countries
    4.Could you point me some references related to these questions ?
    |                Marcelo Abdalla dos Reis                    |
    |        Bacharel em Ciência da Computação - UFMS            |
    |                 Mestrando em Computação                    |
    |               Instituto de Computação - IC                 |
    |        Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP         |
    | Laboratório de Administração e Segurança de Sistemas - LAS |
    |                marcelo.reisat_private                  |
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