Re: information

From: daniel heinonen (d.heinonenat_private)
Date: Wed Nov 07 2001 - 04:52:22 PST

  • Next message: Mike Gilles: "RE: information"

    Hi Marcelo,
    >I would like to ask how is the actual state of the research on
    >computer forensic standards. I mean, are there papers related to this
    >issue ?
    IACIS -
    A good site -
    The web is very good to find this information, At present the only 
    standards i refer to is IACIS however i would assume departments have well 
    documented procedures and standards for their employees to follow.
    >Some more technical questions:
    >1.What is the difference between criminalistics and forensic science ?
    Forensics would be the receiving evidence and giving an un bias conclusion 
    of your findings.  Where i see criminalistics as being the use of these 
    findings with the combination of other evidence to put together a case.  It 
    is useful for an forensic examiner to know about mo of specific criminals 
    to help find evidence, however it is not always the case that the forensic 
    examiner takes a case from start to finish.  I know of a case where a 
    department is separated into investigators (sworn police) and examiners 
    (not always sworn police) who work together to achieve the desired outcome.
    >2.Should I refer to computer forensics as a science or discipline ?
    I believe it has elements of both a science and a discipline as I see there 
    being a great need for a research element in the community.  I do see it 
    being referred to as a science as well, as the procedures and processes 
    which are followed are based on those used by scientists.  I believe it is 
    dependant on your document if referring to the study of computer forensics 
    or the community.  I am probably going to get slaughtered for this view but 
    i would love to know what others thing about this.
    >3.Are there laws governing electronic evidence in US, and other countries
    Well yes.  If you make a nice table can i get a copy : )
    Mostly i see it as being ammendments to old criminal code, some references 
    i used include:
    Kerr, O.S. 2000, "Searching and Seizing Computers and Obtaining Electronic
    Evidence in Criminal Investigations", Computer Crime and Intellectual 
    Property Section
    URL: (Access: 24-05-01)
    Barrett, N. Digital Crime, 1996, Kogan Page, London
    >4.Could you point me some references related to these questions ?
    google, i have retrieved many great resources from search engines.
    You see my document found at the url included below.  I would reference 
    that paper but in the bibliography there are many links that you would find 
    Good luck and all that,
    Daniel Heinonen
    PostGrad Student
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