Re: Suggestions for research

From: Matt Pepe (
Date: Tue Mar 19 2002 - 08:40:55 PST

  • Next message: Yuri Demchenko: "Re: Suggestions for research"

    > There is one good topic: to define data format for Evidence collection
    > capable for court admission. You can touch legal issues as little as
    > you
    > want but still deal with really CS related issues.
    Actually, I dont believe that he would get much credit for such a topic, 
    unless the professor had little knowledge of evidence collection and the 
    legal issues involved.  This is not a CS problem.  Sure we can produce 
    MD5 and SHA1 hashes for every sector, hash those results, pass the 
    resultant hashes to five third-party independent data warehouses.. Hell, 
    print the hashes on the side of a Ariane 5 rocket, launch it into space, and 
    require  the deposition of an astronaut as a fact witness, reading the 
    values during orbit.
    The fact is that the hashes are there for data integrity, mainly to prove that 
    when the embodiment of the evidence changes (actual device to raw 
    image to CDs, to Safeback image, etc) the information has not changed. 
    This technology and mathematics behind the algorithms has been 
    proven, both in "real life" and in court.  When it comes down to the 
    accuracy of the evidence obtained, that rests on the shoulders of the 
    investigators involved. This is no different than tracking evidence, both 
    actual and demonstrative, in any other case.
    > And one more benefits, you can do useful thing for ongoing 
    > of the IODEF (Incident Object Description and Exchange Format)
    This looks quite interesting! How widespread is this task force, and does 
    it mesh with some of the vulnerability databases out there (CVE, for 
    -- Matt
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