Re: Using dd.exe to make forensic images of NTFS drives

From: Jim Zajkowski (jimat_private)
Date: Sun Aug 10 2003 - 09:31:32 PDT

  • Next message: Rainer Gerhards: "RE: Program to wipe data from disk free space"

    On Saturday, August 9, 2003, at 1:04 PM, Sakaba wrote:
    > I have tried time and time again to make images of my NTFS drives via 
    > the
    > dd command in windows.
    Why do that?  I use a FreeBSD "fixit" cd, which has a live FreeBSD 
    system on the disc.  Once there, I use dd and pipe it into ssh and send 
    it over an ssh pipe to my analysis machine.  Works like a charm.
    I do this:
       # ifconfig xl0 inet some.ip.add.ress netmask
       # route add -net 0 the.gateway.add.ress
       # cd /dev; /dist/dev/MAKEDEV std
       # dd if=/dev/ad0s1 | dd obs=5m | dd obs=5m | gzip -6 | ssh my.machine 
    "gzcat > image.dd"
    The three dd's on that line set up a buffer stream that allows the 
    reading dd to not have to stop for network traffic so often.  Otherwise 
    you get a lot of read... pause... read... pause... and that makes it 
    take 2 or 3 times longer.  I'm also gzipping since it's not a local 
    wire to my analysis machine.
    Jim Zajkowski      
    System Administrator  8A9E 1DDF 944D 83C3 AEAB  8F74 8697 A823 2113 5C53
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