Re: Killing Napster

From: Andrew Scoggins (scogginsat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 03:45:22 PST

  • Next message: Antonomasia: "Re: client puzzle protocol"

    Thanks to everyone who have advised me on how to kill Napster. I think
    John Ladwig had the best statement when he wrote "Napster is a
    fiendishly difficult application to try to defeat..."
    That's definitely the consensus and leads me to believe that I'm going
    to have to look at more than just firewall filtering to resolve the
    issue. Perhaps a content filtering/monitoring server or customizable
    If I find any guaranteed fixes, I'll be sure to post them to the list.
    Thanks again,
      Andy Scoggins
      Network Analyst
      Progress Software
      Information security is 
      Y2K without the deadline.

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