Re: Recent Attacks

From: John Ladwig (jladwigat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 18 2000 - 06:36:31 PST

  • Next message: Paul D. Robertson: "Re: Recent Attacks"

    >>>>> On Wed, 16 Feb 2000 12:02:22 -0800, Drew Smith <drewat_private> said:
        Drew> TESO Security Advisory
        Drew> 02/11/2000
        Drew> Nameserver traffic amplify (DNS Smurf) and NS Route discovery (DNS
        Drew> Traceroute)
        Drew> Summary
        Drew> ===================
        Drew> Nameservers which accept and forward external DNS queries
        Drew> may be abused as traffic amplifiers, exposing a possible
        Drew> threat to network integrity by bandwidth saturation (DNS
        Drew> Smurf).
        Drew> A "deaf" pseudo nameserver may be used to discover the query
        Drew> chain a DNS query takes through various nameservers,
        Drew> allowing to make a trace- route like route discovery (DNS
        Drew> Traceroute).
        Drew> </quote>
        Drew> Anyone have any clue how to protect a nameserver against
        Drew> this?  
    Sounds like:
    		   AL-1999.004  --	AUSCERT ALERT
    Denial of Service (DoS) attacks using the Domain Name System (DNS)
    			     13 August 1999
    [ ... ]
    	The current tools and attacks are very straightforward and
    	administrators can prevent their DNS servers from being
    	used as amplifiers by configuring their servers to answer
    	queries from unexpected sources with a small REFUSED
    	response rather than a much larger name resolution
    [ ... ]
    There's a lot of detail on BIND configuration for the workaround in
    the advisory, and an associated patch (.../AL-1999.004.patch) to BIND.
    The fix is (as usual) for all points on the Internet to deny
    spoofed packets.
    Another case of the unscrupulous forcing the Internet to become less
    helpful and friendly.

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