Re: [fw-wiz] RE: Help w/ Port 137 Traffic

From: R. DuFresne (dufresneat_private)
Date: Mon Oct 14 2002 - 11:13:24 PDT

  • Next message: Mikael Olsson: "Re: [fw-wiz] RE: Help w/ Port 137 Traffic"

    On Mon, 14 Oct 2002, Luca Berra wrote:
    > On Sun, Oct 13, 2002 at 02:40:59PM -0400, R. DuFresne wrote:
    > >
    > >
    > >depending upon the kinda of windows OS' behind your firewall, you might
    > >wish to add 135-139, tc and udp, as well as 445, and 1433,1434.  Of course
    > if you really want to block outgoing traffic from workstation put a
    > proxy in the middle....
    > >> I have to add one clarification to the scenario and apologize for not
    > >> including this up front:  could running Samba (as a master browser/file
    > >> server - not domain controller) be the source of the problem?  Are there
    > >> some outbound ports I should be blocking when (I assume) Samba announces
    > >> itself periodically as the master browser?
    > samba announces itself periodically on the broadcast address of all
    > connected interfaces and to addresses specified with the 'remote
    > announce' smb.conf parameter.
    > I don't believe samba uses netbios-ns lookups to resolve remote hosts
    > connecting, but anyway noone should be connecting to your samba server
    > from outside.
    > as a last note i am also getting many probes on port 137 and 139, but
    > they seem unrelated, i might try answering to netbios-ns lookups and see
    > what happens, if i find a smaller beast than samba to use, that is.
    I'm seeing broken systems like this one that has been pounding my systems
    for months now:
    Oct 14 03:07:19 darkstar kernel: IP acct in ppp0 UDP L=249 S=0x00 I=11520 F=0x0000 T=109
    Oct 14 03:07:19 darkstar kernel: IP acct in ppp0 UDP L=249 S=0x00 I=11520 F=0x0000 T=109
    Oct 14 03:07:20 darkstar kernel: IP acct in ppp0 UDP L=249 S=0x00 I=12800 F=0x0000 T=109
    Oct 14 03:07:20 darkstar kernel: IP acct in ppp0 UDP L=249 S=0x00 I=12800 F=0x0000 T=109
    One might beable to build the toy you are thinking of luca with libnet and
    or netcat.
    Ron DuFresne
            admin & senior security consultant:
    "Cutting the space budget really restores my faith in humanity.  It
    eliminates dreams, goals, and ideals and lets us get straight to the
    business of hate, debauchery, and self-annihilation."
                    -- Johnny Hart
    testing, only testing, and damn good at it too!
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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