Re: [fw-wiz] RE: Help w/ Port 137 Traffic

From: Mikael Olsson (mikael.olssonat_private)
Date: Mon Oct 14 2002 - 11:20:08 PDT

  • Next message: Mikael Olsson: "Re: [fw-wiz] Proverbial appliance vs software based firewall"

    Bill Royds wrote:
    > The netbios Name query/response packets are in the same format as DNS 
    > query/response packets, just on port 137 instead of 53
    They're not even remotely related.
    Do a dump of a netbios name query and you'll see a string like
    where each letter is one nibble (4 bits), plus 'A' (which means
    that each "AA" pair is in fact a representation of NUL.)
    Do a dump of a DNS query and you'll see a string like
    "" umm .. ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^"
    (Of course, the protocol structs differs entirely too; this is
    just the most obvious way of showing the difference.)
    You're probably getting fooled by the fact that some windows 
    machines (win9x? i forget) likes originating DNS queries 
    (destination port 53) from port 137.
    Mikael Olsson, Clavister AB
    Storgatan 12, Box 393, SE-891 28 ÖRNSKÖLDSVIK, Sweden
    Phone: +46 (0)660 29 92 00   Mobile: +46 (0)70 26 222 05
    Fax: +46 (0)660 122 50       WWW:
    "Senex semper diu dormit"
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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