Re: [fw-wiz] RE: Help w/ Port 137 Traffic

From: Richard Sharpe (rsharpeat_private)
Date: Mon Oct 14 2002 - 13:11:11 PDT

  • Next message: Mikael Olsson: "Re: [fw-wiz] RE: Help w/ Port 137 Traffic"

    On Mon, 14 Oct 2002, Mikael Olsson wrote:
    > Bill Royds wrote:
    > > 
    > > The netbios Name query/response packets are in the same format as DNS 
    > > query/response packets, just on port 137 instead of 53
    > *ding*
    > They're not even remotely related.
    > Do a dump of a netbios name query and you'll see a string like
    > where each letter is one nibble (4 bits), plus 'A' (which means
    > that each "AA" pair is in fact a representation of NUL.)
    > Do a dump of a DNS query and you'll see a string like
    > "" umm .. ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^"
    Hmmm, I don't want to make a lot of game-show like noises, but there are 
    similarities between DNS requests and NetBIOS name requests, however, the 
    RFC1001/RFC1002 people did choose a really weird encoding for names.
    For more information on NetBIOS name requests, I would suggest that you 
    look at the excellent documentation at
    Richard Sharpe, rsharpeat_private, rsharpeat_private, 
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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