Re: Root password changed

From: Joe Kattner (joeat_private)
Date: Mon Jan 06 2003 - 12:36:56 PST

  • Next message: Sverre H. Huseby: "Re: /sumthin Revisited"

    It is possible that the server was hacked, BIND 8.2.3 is fairly old
    and was found to have remote exploits in itself and libbind, see:
    Sendmail is now on 8.12.7, I didn't see any remote exploits but there
    have been a large amount of updates to that also. Have you used
    chkrootkit? If it was hacked a rootkit would hide most suspicious
    I have no idea how the root password on my FreeBSD 4.0 system was =
    changed, only I have access to it and I have only SMTP (sendmail =
    8.12.1), POP3 (qpopper), apache 1.3.26 and BIND 8.2.3 . Everything else =
    is restricted by ACLs at the router.
    I had to enter single user mode and change it today.
    I have thoroughly checked running processes and the logs and there is =
    nothing suspicious.=20
    Please give me your opinion on what could have caused this.=20
    Roberto Cardona Jr.      =20
    Roberto Cardona Jr.       
    IT/IS Manager 
    Corporate Office Centers |
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