Re: email address probes

From: james (jameshat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 06 2003 - 09:49:09 PST

  • Next message: Geert Kiers: "ALEVRIUS!"

    We drop all the mail that comes in to "not found" addresses to a black hole, 
    via the virtusers db in /etc/mail:      blackhole
    At present the blackhole is a file but it could also be /dev/null
    > > I'd like to be able to stop these attempts, but I can't think of a way
    > > to do it.  All of the attempts are coming from valid servers from some
    > > domains that we can't block.  They do all have null reverse-paths
    > > (MAIL FROM:<>), but I don't think that we can reject on this criteria
    > > as null reverse-paths are used to send NDRs and other notifications
    > > which we don't want to block.  I suppose that we could accept the
    > > emails and dump them to /dev/null (or to some tarpit account so that
    > > we can inspect them) instead of replying with a "550 User unknown,"
    > > but I suspect that this could cause us more headaches in the future.
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