RE: Are they back? (was Re: Scans from

From: Mark Ng (laptopalias1-markat_private)
Date: Tue May 27 2003 - 02:15:01 PDT

  • Next message: Lars Duesing: "Re: Possible Intrusion Attempt?"

    It may or may not be the same people - as someone said before, the most
    likely reason for these scans is proxies to send spam from.  I hardly would
    imagine that there are only one group of people performing this type of
    I see this type of scanning in fairly large numbers, even on my /26 at
    home - some of my clients networks are seeing even more.  The main reason was fairly interesting was because of the volume (they
    were hitting networks 6 or 7 times in a day, which seems rather pointless),
    and because of the claimed legitimacy.
    > And now, I'm seeing this in the snort summaries....
    > 1     SCAN Proxy (8080) attempt
    > 1     SCAN SOCKS Proxy attempt
    > 1     SCAN Squid Proxy attempt
    > Two days in a row -- same pattern, same scans, from the same IP. Resolves
    > to, so they're keeping quiet (or running the
    > scans from the home dsl line....)
    > Mail to abuseat_private on the way.
    > --
    Mark Ng (

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