Re: Inodes hooks example

From: Amon Ott (aoat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 19 2001 - 03:34:16 PDT

  • Next message: Huagang Xie: "Re: Hooking into Linux using the Linux Trace Toolkit"

    Hello Greg and all others,
    good work so far!
    On Don, 19 Apr 2001 Greg KH wrote:
    > What I'm most concerned right now is:
    > 	- Are the hooks at the right place for everyone?
    > 	  If not, where should they be?
    The places look fine for me, but see parameters comment below.
    > 	- Are there enough parameters passed in the hook for everyone?
    > 	  If not, what do people need?
    For some calls, I would appreciate more parameters (patch order):
    - ptrace: request, pid
    - load_elf_binary: rather make general solution for all exec types, with extra
    security_ops, parameter file
    - permission: is this meant for Linux DAC compatibility module only? I'd prefer
    - sys_read, sys_write etc.: Use read/write ops, parameter file
    - umount is missing, param kname or device
    - mount: all params
    - delete_module: module name (so we can protect ourselves)
    - send_file: use read/write ops
    > 	- For inodes, do people need more hooks?
    > 	  If so, what is needed, and where should it go, with what
    > 	  parameters?
    I have not yet made a full check for missing calls.
    > Just my reasoning why I like a simple function call, besides it being the
    > same type of interface used everywhere else in the kernel source :)
    Clean function calls for me too, please - one level less to check, if something
    goes wrong.
    linux-security-module mailing list

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