RE: Hello - a new member from Panasonic

From: I.P. Park (iparkat_private)
Date: Wed Mar 20 2002 - 08:36:40 PST

  • Next message: Greg KH: "Re: Hello - a new member from Panasonic"

    > > 2. Will anyone here interested in joining the security WG in
    > the ELC if it
    > > is formed? (I intend to join this WG when it is formed.)
    > This is news to me, I'm interested in learning more.  I'll check the
    > URL you mentioned, and perhaps you could post here as the WG becomes
    > a reality.  One thing that interests me is if this WG would define a
    > "standard" LSM module for the ELC, or perhaps simply standardize on the
    > LSM framework as the method for achieving secure embedded platforms.
    > Thanks again for your interest,
    > -chris
    Sure, I will be happy to post information about ELC security working groups
    as things progress.
    It is not clear, at this point, whether the WG will be defining a standard
    LSM module or will simply standardize LSM framework. I think it is too early
    to tell since there are some variables, as follows:
    1. Whether and when the LSM will be accepted by by the kernel community.
    2. The direction of the security WG will take will depend on technical
    interests and needs of its members. By early June, we should know. There may
    be a need to promote/educate the WG about LSM (this, in some way, depends on
    #1). I'll keep you posted.
    linux-security-module mailing list

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