Re: Module Identifier

From: richard offer (offerat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 19 2002 - 13:37:53 PDT

  • Next message: Greg KH: "Re: Module Identifier"

    * frm crispinat_private "06/19/02 13:32:44 -0700" | sed '1,$s/^/* /'
    * While waiting for this fabulous web infrastructure :) to appear, just
    * follow Greg's advice and pick one, ensuring that your module and
    * user-space tools agree on that number. So long as it is a modestly large
    * & random number, it should not be a problem.
    A suggestion by David Wheeler was to use the first 8 chars of an md5sum, so
    I'm using
    /* sys_security modid 
     * Generated from
     *      echo "SGI Trusted Linux" | md5sum | cut -c -8
    #define SYS_SECURITY_MODID 0xc4c7be22
    This doesn't reqire a web infrastructure and yet is less susceptable to a
    human non-random number generator....
    * Crispin
    Richard Offer                     Technical Lead, Trust Technology, SGI
    "Specialization is for insects"
    linux-security-module mailing list

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