Re: OLS Bof info

From: richard offer (offerat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 02 2002 - 13:30:15 PDT

  • Next message: Crispin Cowan: "Re: OLS Bof info"

    * chrisat_private at '7/2/02 12:54 PM -0700'
    ** richard offer (richardat_private) wrote:
    *> I think we need to support running older modules on newer LSM
    *> infrastructures, otherwise we're going to get into a viscious circle of
    *> version-chicken (a module wants version LSM version X, version X wants
    *> kernel Y, but I also need kernel Z (LSM version != X) because that is
    *> the  only version for which feature Q is available)...
    * No, we don't want this.  Kernel subsystems are particular to kernel
    * version.  If you have these needs you are porting to kernel version Z.
    So we should make it clear for module writers that LSM version X on 2.4 may 
    have a different set of hooks than LSM version X on 2.5...
    That should be clearly documented and we should probably add some way to 
    determine that at module compile time (so that extra code can be enbaled), 
    separate from the kernel version number. A given LSM version may run on 
    multiple kernel versions (2.4.x, 2.4.x+1, but 2.4.x+2 may need a new 
    version of LSM).
    * thanks,
    * -chris
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