Re: Stacking - anyone care how to report module id's?

From: David Wheeler (dwheelerat_private)
Date: Fri Aug 23 2002 - 12:42:45 PDT

  • Next message: Crispin Cowan: "Re: Please confirm your message (fwd)"

    Greg KH wrote:
    > On Fri, Aug 23, 2002 at 09:07:20AM -0400, David Wheeler wrote:
    >> I'm still interested in completing a stacking module, but
    >> I have two questions for everyone:
    >> 1. I need the "module id" of a stacked module, if it has one,
    >>    to implement returns from sys_security.
    > I don't understand why you need this.
    > The "module id" is _only_ for the module itself, for it to check if the
    > sys_security call is for itself.  It should not be used to determine who
    > to send the sys_security call to.
    I thought so too... but it's not so, and it becomes
    clear why this isn't so only when you try to WRITE
    a stacking module.
    Yes, you could call every module.  But sys_security
    has a return value.  WHICH return value do you pass back?
    If you call every module, you have no idea which value to
    pass back.  Checking for values like "-ENOSYS" won't help,
    that may be the value you wanted to send back!
    I suppose you could return a tuple
    ("is this a valid value" and "value"), but
    that's quite clumsy.  It's more efficient & cleaner to
    simply register the module id.
    --- David A. Wheeler
    linux-security-module mailing list

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