Re: Stacking - anyone care how to report module id's?

From: David Wheeler (dwheelerat_private)
Date: Fri Aug 23 2002 - 14:57:03 PDT

  • Next message: Russell Coker: "Re: Please confirm your message (fwd)"

    Greg KH wrote:
    > On Fri, Aug 23, 2002 at 05:28:45PM -0400, David Wheeler wrote:
    >> Instead, I'll make removing modules slightly harder.
    >> If you want to remove a stacked module, you'll first have to
    >> "disable" it, and then it's up to the administrator to make sure
    >> that all threads have completed calling the list before
    >> removing the disabled module (and the administrator will have
    >> to decide when it's safe to do so).  Basically, I plan to
    >> trade away safety in module removal in order to gain speed.
    > Sounds reasonable, "removing modules can be dangerous" is a good thing
    > to state :)
    It's more like "here be dragons". The condition
    for causing disaster is pretty hard to cause:
    * Must follow pointer BEFORE module removed
    * Must suspend before completing module call
    * Must remove module while suspended there.
    Of course, if that DOES happen, it's really, really bad.
    Hmm, an interesting attack: an attacker who knows
    about a stacker & that stacked modules get removed could
    try to constantly do things that would invoke the stacked
    calls, and then try to get suspended in them
    (e.g., making them VERY low priority).
    More than likely, if you're removing modules you're not
    a production system, so that shouldn't be a disaster.
    --- David A. Wheeler
    linux-security-module mailing list

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