Re: [logs] Syslog payload format

From: marc (marcat_private)
Date: Thu Dec 19 2002 - 11:12:50 PST

  • Next message: Darren Reed: "Re: [logs] Syslog payload format"

    > >   idsa_set(c,"debug","syslog",0,IDSA_R_NONE,IDSA_R_NONE,IDSA_R_NONE,
    > >   "event",IDSA_T_STRING,"marcus login","from",IDSA_T_HOST,where,NULL);
    > > 
    > > which is about as compact as it gets without losing structure information.
    > That's mamothly complex!
    Shucks, is is really that bad ? Maybe some whitespace would help
                 "event",IDSA_T_STRING,"marcus login",
                 "from" ,IDSA_T_HOST,   where,
    Ignore the first line, it contains the stuff which is mandatory
    and includes three risk values. Following that each line is 
    just a label,type,value terminated by a NULL.
    > My thinking (to date) has been along the lines of doing something
    > like is done with writev() - ie.
    > initlogging(name,options);
    > logitems[0].type = STRING;
    > logitems[0].value = "marcus login: from";
    > logitems[1].type = HOSTNAME;
    > logitems[1].value = where;
    > addlogmessage(logtype,priority,logitems,2);
    Hmm. I presume you want to associate a label/key with each of the
    items, or am I misreading this ? Also you may have to pass a handle
    between init* and add*, otherwise you require that the user do locking
    in a multithreaded program (hey, I think MT is bad and the MT support
    of my implementation consists of each thread having to allocate its 
    own connection handle ;)
    > It also has scope for holding more complex information
    > for logging and that may be something that comes through in the XML
    > which isn't possible with the above.
    > e.g.
    > char *fruit[5] = {"a", "b", c", "d", "e"};
    > logitems[0].type = STRINGARRAY;
    > logitems[0].count = 5;
    > logitems[0].value = fruit;
    Fair enough. Actually the variadic approach is also awkward when
    one does not know the exact number of logitems at compile time. 
    In that case idsa can fall back on something which resembles your 
    approach. Using mjr's logging-data-map as example scheme:
      /* get event handle */
      evt = idsa_event(c); 
      /* fill in required stuff */
      idsa_name(evt, "login");
      idsa_scheme(evt, "logging-data-map");
      idsa_risks(evt, 0, IDSA_R_PARTIAL, IDSA_R_UNKNOWN, IDSA_R_PARTIAL);
      /* add extra fields */
      idsa_add_set(evt, "srcuser", IDSA_T_STRING, "marcus");
      idsa_add_set(evt, "srcdev", IDSA_T_HOST, where);
      /* log and invalidate evt */
      idsa_log(c, evt);
    But usually the long form is not needed, and IMHO also a bit 
    too demanding - so if it is the only option, the risk 
    exists that programmers will ignore logging entirely or
    stick with the old.
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