RE: Blind IP spoofing portscan tool?

From: Yonatan Bokovza (Yonatanat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 14 2001 - 06:13:26 PDT

  • Next message: Dave Piscitello: "Re: SAP Security"

    For the fast readers, two introductions to this
    subject are at:
    and at:
    They both refer to hping:
    and I remember at least one tool that's designed
    to do exactly that scan:
    IP_ID is a field in the IP packet header that is meant
    to be different for every fragment of packet, thereby
    helping the reciever to defrag a fragmented packet.
    Most OSs just increment it for every outgoing packet.
    OpenBSD, of course, randomize that. Linux kernel
    2.4 (IIRC) use IP_ID of zero whenever the packet doesn't
    need fragmentation and sets the DF flag on. So if
    fragmentation is needed an
    ICMP_FragNeededButDon'tFragBitWasSet is
    received and the packet is resent, fragmented.
    FreeBSD has a patch, here: . I
    don't know if it's committed yet, or ever will be.
    Windows has (yet again) a peculiarity, it uses a
    different byte ordering for the IP_ID, so you can
    use that as another method to identify Windows.
    Regarding other OSs, you'r welcome to enlighten me.
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Curt Wilson [mailto:netw3at_private]
    > Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 00:05
    > To: pen-testat_private
    > Subject: Blind IP spoofing portscan tool?
    > In the mailing for the Black Hat briefings, there is 
    > mention of a "blind IP spoofing portscan tool" or 
    > something along those lines. I'm curious about this 
    > tool, what is it's name and what is the mechanism by 
    > which it works? I'd guess that it's something involving 
    > other elements of the IP stack or some tool that uses 
    > a 3rd party system to check IP ID's, sequence 
    > numbers, ICMP responses or something along those 
    > lines.
    > I'd be interested to know more information, please 
    > share if you have this knowledge.
    > PS - I'm moving to Chicago soon and looking for a 
    > good security job, anyone got any leads?
    > Curt Wilson
    > netw3at_private

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