Re: Linksys Pen Test

From: Nexus (
Date: Thu Jun 21 2001 - 16:19:41 PDT

  • Next message: Reverend Lola: "Re: pen testing iis 5"

    Beg pardon - since it is the Linksys box doing the NAT and _it_ has the
    public IP, what do you hit ?
    I can promise you that it listens on bugger all.
    Just curious, being a user of said box....
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Bridis, Ted" <Ted.Bridisat_private>
    To: "'NetW3.COM Consulting'" <netw3at_private>;
    <PEN-TESTat_private>; <markat_private>
    Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 7:14 PM
    Subject: RE: Linksys Pen Test
    > default is not to allow this, so you can always try to hit the target's
    > static IP (the one in front of the NAT) on 8080 and punch in the default
    > password.

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