RE: SAM file editing

From: Rebecca Kastl (rkastlat_private)
Date: Mon Jun 25 2001 - 08:09:28 PDT

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    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Russell, Pat [mailto:pat.russellat_private]
    > Subject: SAM file editing
    > Is it possible to edit the SAM file in NT4.0 without using an external
    > program?  I have an incident where someone gave himself administrative
    > rights the domain but insists "all" he did was modify the SAM file on
    > the local machine.  This doesn't sound right but I am not sure.
    The local SAM plays no part in Domain authentication schemes.  If this
    person gave themselves administrative rights to the domain, then they
    whacked a Domain controller.
    --Rebecca Kastl

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