win2k pentest - what can i do?

From: Matt Andreko (mandrekoat_private)
Date: Fri Jul 06 2001 - 06:53:50 PDT

  • Next message: Andrew van der Stock: "RE: New legislation in Australia to make pen-testing illegal?"

    I normally do not do pen tests on the win2k operating system.  However I am
    doing one at the moment.  I have successfully got Administrator privelages,
    but only at a pseudo-dos-prompt...  Is there anything i can do to get
    graphical abillities, since windows is basically useless without just
    graphics.  I have used the "net user" command to create a new user, and
    added it to the Administrators group, but I do not have physical access to
    this machine.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Matt Andreko
    On-Ramp Indiana
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