Re: opinions on Vigliante's SecureScanNX for attack/pen work?

From: John Lampe (j_lampeat_private)
Date: Thu Nov 29 2001 - 12:25:16 PST

  • Next message: Kostas Evangelinos: "Re: Brute force .htpasswd"

    > - I don't know how much it costs
    > - you can only scan public ip addresses
    > - it's not the fastest on earth (manually supervised,
    >   but it will change in the future)
    Really?  IMO, securescanx scanned a little too fast.  I ran a scan against a
    /24 range of addresses off of a T-1 connection with both Nessus and
    vigilante whilst running a packet sniffer off of the spanned default gw
    port....The vigilante was so aggressive that it missed many of the ports
    which Nessus (Nmap, in this instance) found.  Vigilante was sending SYN
    packets about 4 times faster than the nessusd server.....
    > BTW, it uses all the tools we commonly have (nmap, icmpush...)
    > plus some smartware by VigilantE.
    incidentally, securescan utilizes nessus technology as well...
    John Lampe
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