Re: JET sql help please anyone

From: Kevin Spett (kspettat_private)
Date: Fri Nov 30 2001 - 15:38:09 PST

  • Next message: auto125268at_private: "Re: Wanted script to email cookies"

    The Microsoft Jet driver has different rules than the Microsoft SQL Server
    driver.  SQL Server allows you to do all sort of things that won't work with
    the Jet Access driver.  In this case it looks like you'll be able to get SQL
    injection, but it's doubtful that you'll be able to get arbitrary commands
    or code executed using this script.
    > I am performing a pen test against a IIS server which uses Microsoft jet
    > contact a database. I tried the usual stuff such as ' in the various
    > and received a promising error
    > Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'
    > Syntax error in string in query expression '((User.UserCurrent)=True) AND
    > (User.UserId = ''') ORDER BY user.Name'.
    > /blah/blahbalh/search.asp, line 66
    Try this:
    ' + (SELECT TOP 1 User.UserID FROM User) + '
    That'll use the first UserID in the table in the statement.  In order to use
    the second in the table, use something like this:
    ' + (SELECT TOP 1 User.UserID FROM User WHERE User.UserID NOT IN ('whatever
    the first userid turned out to be') + '
    You can keep adding terms to the NOT IN argument and cycle through the whole
    Or, you can insert a UNION SELECT to try to inject data into the returned
    page.  Every web app is different, so it may take some extra steps specific
    to the this script, but it'll be something like the following.  You'll have
    to figure out however many fields and their types there are in the query.
    You must have User.Name in the SELECT and User in the FROM in order to break
    the syntax error.
    NoSuchRecord') UNION SELECT, field, field  FROM table, user WHERE
    > Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'
    > Characters found after end of SQL statement.
    > /blah/blahbalh/search.asp, line 66
    Jet driver doesn't allow multiple statements, so using ';' is illegal.
    Also, it doesn't have the same stored procedures that SQL Server does
    > various other errors occurred during the test such as
    > Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'
    > Invalid SQL statement; expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE', 'SELECT',
    > or 'UPDATE'.
    What'd you do to get that message?
    Good luck.
    Kevin Spett
    Resident SQL Injection Ninja
    SPI Dynamics, Inc.
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