Re: Social Engineering Formal Methodology

From: Todd Willey (aliver_vilerealat_private)
Date: Fri Mar 08 2002 - 07:20:11 PST

  • Next message: Will Wilkinson: "Re: Social Engineering Formal Methodology"

    The reason there are no formal rules for social
    engineering is becuase it is all dynamic and dependant
    on the situation and the contact.  You tell people
    what they need to hear to give you vital information. 
    It is improvised, not scripted.  Some things that my
    be helpfull though:
    -Write down the contact's name and their department,
    you can keep this contact for further information
    gathering later.
    -Keep refering to them by first name (common name) on
    the phone, this will sometimes build up an informal
    environment in which they are comfortable giving you
    -Don't be afraid to ask for a supervisor if things
    aren't going your way, go all the way to the top if
    you have to, but don't back down.
    -Also, if you are not doing this from a business
    environment, you can try to create an office type
    dialog to seem more professional.  Have a "secretary"
    call, get the contact on the phone, and then transfer
    the contact to your office.  If you have a secretary
    making your calls, you must be doing something right,
    or so they would assume.
    These are not garaunteed to work.  In some situations
    you are just as likely to gather information as a
    concerned consumer or a student.  There is no set
    method, and there cannot ever be a set method, you
    just have to act.
    --- Ilici Ramirez <ilici_ramirezat_private> wrote:
    > Hi,
    > There are many resources available on the web about
    > Social Engineering (including NLP - my new hobby) -
    > you can find them on google very quickly. But most
    > of
    > them contain "what is SE", some examples and
    > references to other sites with the same stuff.
    > Anyway ,as far as my research has gone I could not
    > find any paper on A FORMAL METHODOLOGY for
    > conducting
    > Social Engineering Assessments. 
    > In any audit if you do not follow a methodology you
    > cannot guarantee for quality of the work.
    > So, could anybody give us an advice?
    > Best Regards,
    > Ilici R
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