Re: Job question.

From: Johnathan Meehan (jmeehanat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 14:41:32 PST

  • Next message: Drew Dolopo: "Re: Job question."

    > On which topic, one person I know has a tendency to speak of
    > "consluting" work, and has talked about having cards made up with that
    > spelling on them - and knowing that person as I do, it wouldn't
    > surprise me to see that actually happen someday.  (I'm rather tempted
    > to do as much myself.)
    We are on the same lines.
    > > As for the idea of knowing your stuff.  Not good enough.  Over here,
    > > if you can't claim you really did do it, it doesn't count.
    > > Therefore, any work I have done in my spare time does not count
    > I don't see how that follows, unless "really did do it" actually should
    > be "really did do it for an employer".
    I wasn't clear. :-( Sorry. What I was trying to say, was that the idea that
    involving yourself in activities outside of "work", does not seem to count
    over here. Say I were to work on a popular open source project - /even if/ I
    had my name on the website, it wouldn't matter to the average recruiter over
    here. It isn't "real experience". They only look at the work side of things,
    becuase they do not understand what computers are all about.
    > I do have one more generic question, though...are you writing as an
    > employer or an employee?
    With regret just an employee. My ten year old dream of running a small ISP
    is a long way away. The things I write of, I am currently suffering  from.
    zB, I recently talked to a "consultant" who stated that I did not understand
    UNIX becuase I had never used AIX. The fact that I knew SCO Open Server and
    Open/FreeBSD was lost on her... you get the point. This is particularly true
    in security, and that is a big problem - a chap knows it, but can't get the
    job over somebody less capable because he does not have the, if you like,
    offical background.
    Is this discussion of recruitment consultants in general veering off topic?
    Best wishes,
    Johnathan Meehan
    > der Mouse
    >        mouseat_private
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