Job question.

From: Jason Murphy (jasonthomasmurphyat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 16 2000 - 12:44:54 PST

  • Next message: Paxus: "Re: Job question."

    I don’t know if this is the proper forum to ask or to discuss this question
    but here it goes.
    I am a recent graduate with a degree in Computer Information Systems
    (Computer Science Degree where a Business minor substitutes for the Math,
    Physics, and Chemistry classes) and have been looking for a job for about
    the last 6 weeks and have noticed a pattern. About every Computer Security
    job posting I read is for a Senior position. I have yet to see a Junior or
    entry level Computer Security job posting, although, I think being a Network
    Admin is a at least Junior Computer Security job.
    Now my question is, how do I break into (No pun intended) the Computer
    Security field? I have been following the Computer Security Scene for about
    10 years as a hobby/passion and I never have had job in the Computer
    Security field. How do I convince job recruiter that know Computer Security?
    I can not state at a interview that I have broken into machines and have
    done some activities that would be considered illegal or at least immoral. I
    also can not prove that I have done work for other people (Helping people,
    clubs, organizations that need security help). What can I do to get
    So what should I do? Any help or recommendation of any kind would be greatly
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