RE: Article: Honesty isn't a policy, laid-off techies say

From: Ken Pfeil (Kenat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 18 2001 - 10:13:28 PDT

  • Next message: Crispin Cowan: "Re: Article: Honesty isn't a policy, laid-off techies say"

    Just remember that the very policy you create, implement and enforce goes
    for all (Even you :-). Policy is exactly that, and when it comes to
    security, there is very little flexibility allowed. If I'm escorted out by a
    guard, that means the policy I wrote is being exercised effectively. You can
    either take it as a compliment, or as an insult. The glass is half full in
    my view. I do agree with you in the respect that a certain amount of dignity
    should prevail, however.
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Jim Utkin [mailto:utkinat_private]
    > Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 12:05 AM
    > To: 'Tom Litney'; securityjobsat_private
    > Subject: RE: Article: Honesty isn't a policy, laid-off techies say
    > See I always considered that absolutely silly. I rather treat an
    > employee with respect. Most "security experts" have backups of their
    > files at home, as they work at home quite a bit. Walking them out at the
    > last moment, will not accomplish what they think they will. Its not like
    > the person is going to run for the servers to install Trojans.
    > I have seen what your talking about, and I think its an action from a
    > paranoid employer, who is asking for trouble instead of trying to avoid
    > it. In my 15 years of experience. I have never seen an employee who was
    > let go with respect, commit a black hat act.
    > Jim

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