Re: Article: Honesty isn't a policy, laid-off techies say

From: Sweth Chandramouli (security-jobsat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 18 2001 - 10:07:19 PDT

  • Next message: Jeffrey Posluns: "Montreal, Canada - Contract work available"

    On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 12:56:57PM -0400, ari wrote:
    > Note this, however.  If you give notice and as a result are immediately
    > escorted off the premises, you should still be on payroll and hence will
    > be paid during your final two weeks.  If your superiors decide to fire you
    > at that time in lieu of keeping you on payroll, the company owes you a
    > severance package.
    	What do people think are reasonable severance packages in the
    security industry?  How negotiable to people see severance packages as
    	-- Sweth.
    Sweth Chandramouli ; <svcat_private>

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