Re: What are my chances of getting a job?

From: Roy Follendore (royfat_private)
Date: Wed Nov 28 2001 - 15:03:59 PST

  • Next message: jw: "RE: Article: Study Says Security Expertise In Short Supply"

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    I disagree.  A BS in Physics is related. However, 
    having read your message and reviewed your 
    resume, my advice is don't spin your wheels right 
    Unless you get an opportunity for an entry level 
    position soon, I suggest you need to stay open to new 
    opportunities and work your career goals. Definitely 
    don't wait on tables. Take work that is related and 
    available, but definitely don't let the current security 
    market drive your career.  This is the time to take 
    charge and invoke a career plan.
    You can strategically come back to security when 
    and if opportunities arise by keeping your eyes open.   
    Believe me when I say that there will be paths that 
    come back to the security industry if you remain 
    In the meantime you should consider taking a few 
    University courses that can supplement your 
    experience.  Your resume is loaded with application 
    programs.  Depending on what your interests are in 
    security that might be good, but I would suggest that 
    you try to focus your experience more, particularly on 
    networking systems.
    I hope this helps.

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