pop3 exploit????

From: leon (leonat_private)
Date: Sat Oct 13 2001 - 22:20:00 PDT

  • Next message: dullienat_private: "Re: searching through the address space of a process"

    Hi everyone,
    I posted this to the incidents list already and no one seemed to know
    anything about it so I am posting it here because maybe someone here has
    a better "ear to the ground" so to speak.  Is there a new pop3 exploit
    out?  I constantly get scanned for the usual services (21, 23, 80,
    12345, 27374, etc, etc) and when I scan these systems back the only
    thing they have in common (as far as running services) is 110 pop3.  Now
    some of these ips are running a multitude of services and were probably
    compromised by other means but some are solely running 110.  Does anyone
    know anything about this?  I don't have any banners grabbed but I do
    have a slew of ips.  Also, I don't really care because I am not running
    any of the services that they are looking for so it is more of annoyance
    then anything else but I am still curious if anyone has seen anything
    like this.  I have no clue if these ips are static or dynamic.  This is
    being written at 1:15 am EST on 10/14/2001.
    If anyone wants to comment on list or off please feel free to do so.
    PS: if you would like more ips please let me know there come in
    constantly I just figured that was enough.

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