Re: Civil Disobedience

From: Catherine Allen (claat_private)
Date: Mon Oct 15 2001 - 11:23:59 PDT

  • Next message: Ian Stoba: "Re: Civil Disobedience"

    > > "Hackers, virus-writers and web site defacers would face life
    > > imprisonment without the possibility of parole under legislation
    > > proposed by the Bush Administration that would classify most 
    > > computer crimes as acts of terrorism."
    Is it appropriate to ask all members of an international forum to protest an 
    American law?  
    We would be affected by it only if extradition laws came into effect.  
    Extradition implies that the alleged crime was perpetrated on American soil or 
    under American jurisdiction.
    Is it envisioned that this bill would cover American nationals and acts 
    perpetrated on American soil only?  Are you suggesting that the whole of the 
    Internet is seen as being "American" by the Bush administration?  In what way 
    is jurisdiction identified or proven, under this bill? 
    It is misguided to assume that "all people" are subject to American laws.
    Does anyone know of a bug or virus under Win98 that would cause IE "security 
    domains" to disappear and the IE executable to become un-executable?  Other 
    symptoms include missing keys from the registry and multiple BSODs on a 
    previously stable system.  Please reply to me directly and I'll summarise to 
    the list if there is sufficient interest.
    Statements above are my opinion and are not necessarily endorsed by my employer.

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