RE: Problem with xkill

From: Michel Arboi (arboiat_private)
Date: Sat Mar 23 2002 - 07:08:30 PST

  • Next message: Toni Heinonen: "RE: Wireless device vulnerability?"

     --- anthony gruppuso <agruppusat_private> a écrit : 
    > I understand that, we use a very strict host access control list here
    > on all Xserver based devices/products
    Obviously not, as you could connect to another display.
    > I just thought it was interesting that xkill behaved in that manner.
    > Initally I was under the impression that it would function like a 
    > graphical kill, but apparently that is not the case.
    I'm not sure what you call "graphical kill", but once the connection tp
    the X server is cut, there is nothing than the client can do, apart
    from saving its data and exiting nicely.
    Most client just die on SIGPIPE.
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