security issue at hypovereins bank

From: hnz geeratz[room23] (staffat_private)
Date: Fri Apr 05 2002 - 02:12:49 PST

  • Next message: Florian Hobelsberger / BlueScreen: "Re: Techniques for Vulneability discovery"

    I found this security issue on the german hypovereins bank.
    They are informed vor 3 months ago , still there is nothing changed.
    The security hole will allow a atacker to include his own forms in the
    website. This will give him an option to collect sensible information.
    It  is a home bankin system!
    take a look at this (long) URL:
    now it is possible to change the
    part to something like pageurl=
    ore try :
    so it is possible to include everything in this webpage.
    The attacker could obscure the url in a form like:
    so the user will not notice that the include form is not from the original
    It opens a port to a new form of social hacking and data grabbing.
    greetings hnz g
    hnz geeratz | staffat_private

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