Fwd: Re: Wlan @ bestbuy is cleartext?

From: Peter Boutzev (boutzevat_private)
Date: Wed May 01 2002 - 14:02:20 PDT

  • Next message: El C0chin0: "Re: Wlan @ bestbuy is cleartext?"

    I personally don't think there is more risk buying with a credit card,
    than with cash money.
    In most cases, the bank (or card issuer) gives you a reasonable delay,
    to check your past transactions (one month or so). If there is a fraud,
    the risk is covered by the issuer, as mentioned in the message bellow ...
    Also, I don't know why cash would be more secure. Anyways, someone could
    steal your cash, you will be in an even worse situation, since nobody will
    cover your lost.
    However, credit card information should be kept as secret as possible,
    it should be encrypted, even over wired links. In the case WLANs are used,
    it would be a good idea to use peer-to-peer ipsec.
    In the country I live (Luxembourg), there are laws about such information,
    so the best think to do is to verify the laws in your area, before going
    further... Also, at my opinion, you are not doing anything illegal, since
    you just captured radio waves, which are transmitted into the public space,
    that is, nobody can tell you to not capture such frames (or waves).
    On Wednesday 01 May 2002 20:26, you wrote:
    > At 10:31 AM 5/1/02 -0700, Blue Boar wrote:
    > >It's a good reason to use cash over the convenience of plastic.
    > That said, AFAIK in event of fraudulent credit card transaction:
    > 1) Without a signature the merchant bears most of the risk.
    > 2) With a fake signature the card issuer (or its insurer) bears most of the
    > risk.
    > Cardholder risk = card cancelled (not always tho!), card issuer gives you a
    > new card. Of course if it happens too many times under _suspicious_
    > circumstances you may not get a new card.
    > In the country I live, most card cloners do many multiple simultaneous
    > transactions at different places (even states), so it's pretty obvious it's
    > not you. The card issuer gets the bill.
    > Regards,
    > Link.
     Peter Boutzev
     Securirty Engineer         	  GnuPG public key at :
     boutzevat_private		  http://airfair.dnsalias.org

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