aDSL routers

From: Brad Zimmerman (exocetat_private)
Date: Wed Apr 14 1999 - 12:01:35 PDT

  • Next message: Truman Boyes: "Re: aDSL routers"

    This is also true on USWest's Cisco 675.  Password is (hit the enter
    key)...  However, as far as I know, all ISP's using Cisco 675's are set
    into bridging mode, which doesn't allow any remote access to the Cisco
    675, save the serial cable.
    Older USWest equipment, the Netspeed 202 and 204, used a default user name
    (root) and a default password is (hit the Enter key)...
    For both routers, the Netspeed and Cisco, the default password/login is listed right in the manual, for anyone to see.
    In the future, I believe USWest intends to have customers set their Cisco
    675's into routing mode.  Or, at the very least, ISP's will begin supporting PPP over Ethernet, which means the Cisco routers are set into routing mode, which will make many thousand customers vulnerable due to unauthorized remote access.  I believe (but not sure) that Verio has the ability to let customers set their modems into routing mode (using PPP over Ethernet)...
    USWest *has* detailed changes to the Cisco 675, noting it's ability to do
    do PPP over Ethernet along with what is required at the ISP end to perform
    PPP over Ethernet.
    > Welp, aDSL is here.  And at least one manufacturer, flowpoint, sets no
    > admin password.  It's in the documentation, so I assume the
    > company already knows about this vulnerability:) System managers
    > who have aDSL access often overlook this, so I thought I'd point it out.
    > A quick fix: disable telnet access to all of your aDSL router IP's.
    > Better fix: set an admin password.
    Brad Zimmerman
    "Taking over the world, one computer at a time."

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