Re: CRIME Wiretapping WiFi [SUMMARY?

From: Duane Nickull (duane@private)
Date: Wed Oct 15 2003 - 17:37:34 PDT

  • Next message: Brian Varine: "Patriot Act Myths (was Re: CRIME Wiretapping WiFi"

    Brian Varine wrote:
    Do you think it has anything to do with the fact that terrorist groups are involved in drug trafficking, simple fraud, and money laundering?
    So was the US Government - remember Oliver North and a certain South American country?  Some people in Washington gave Osama and Saddam money in the last twenty years.  Are they now deemed terrorists?   I would say no even though some may disagree.

    To state that one can take apart rights of "suspected" terrorists and eavedrop without any audit trail is not what I always thought the US was about.  Apparently several senators and citizens also agree with me.  Protecting individual rights is a must.    

    Other eavesdropping is also happening not related to terrorism.  The music industry is now conducting a crackdown on the illegal transfer of electronic music.  Downloads are being used as evidence.  Supeonas are being introduced to get records of registers within hubs like Kazaa.

    This was a good thread today - I enjoyed it.  I would like to attempt to summarize some of it:

    1. Whether or not someone can snoop/eavedrops/view your communications depends on what you are transmitting and what the LEO's think you are ( terrorist | person aiding a terrorist | music distributor | spammer | hacker | other bad person ).  Note that you do not have to be convicted of one of these, just suspected for the wiretap to be authorized.

    2. It is your right as an american citizen to use appropriate encryption technologies to keep your communication private.  

    3. ACLU is not a wing of Al Qaida.  The latter is so evil they violates rules about "q" being always followed by the letter "u" (my elementry school english teacher insinuated anyone making such spelling mistakes is capable of other subversive behaviour)

    4. It is probably in everyone's best interest to keep an eye on the Patriot Act and keep thinking about how it relates to electronic communication.  This group can probably provide some valuable input on the subject.  


    Anyone else want to add to this.  This is merely IMO.

    Duane Nickull

    Yellow Dragon Software -
    Web Services & ebXML Messaging / Registry Downloads
    UN/CEFACT eBusiness Architecture/ ebXMl Technical Architecture 
    Phone:   +1 (604) 738-1051 - Canada: Pacific Standard Time
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