Re: CRC32 vd MD5

From: Kurt Seifried (btat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 23 2003 - 04:34:54 PST

  • Next message: Simson L. Garfinkel: "Re: MD5 Exploit Database?"

    > One more thing -- with respect to forensic analysis conducted in the
    > of information security rather than legal forensics, I care more about
    > unpredictability of the algorithm that I'm going to use to analyze bits
    > about anything else. An attacker who knows what my analysis tool looks
    > with certainty can find a way around it -- an attacker who knows that I
    > one of six different tools at any one time and rotate through them
    > has only a one in six chance of guessing right and they have zero chance
    > preventing me from using two different tools to analyze the same bits.
    > I gain some security through obscurity if I supplement standard hash
    > algorithms with algorithms of my own design -- and not because my own
    > algorithms are going to be as provably secure/free of collisions, but
    > because it is impossible for an attacker to know ahead of time what their
    > bits are going to look like when processed by my code unless they first
    > obtain a copy of my code.
    Wouldn't it be simpler to just use proven algorithms such as MD5/SHA1 and if
    you want to be very paranoid take sums of random sized/placed blocks of data
    on the disk? It seems rather futile to create your own methods, as the
    attacker would only be caught by them if they somehow manage to fool
    MD5/SHA1, which I think is unlikely. Wouldn't your efforts be better spent
    on improving the collection/analysis of data and ensuring that the tools
    (not the algorithms) are "faked" out (to use a poor phrase).
    > This is an appropriate role for security through obscurity; often times
    > people think they're getting security through obscurity when in fact
    > just created one more secret that has to be kept that is relatively easy
    > discover.
    > Jason Coombs
    > jasoncat_private
    Kurt Seifried, kurtat_private
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