FW: [fw-wiz] Hunt for VPN devices

From: Scot Hartman (shartmanat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 15 2002 - 11:10:20 PDT

  • Next message: Teal, Robert: "[fw-wiz] HOW TO Guide for testing firewalls?"

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Scot Hartman 
    Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 6:53 PM
    To: 'Paul D. Robertson'
    Subject: RE: [fw-wiz] Hunt for VPN devices
    Sure, Jeff responded with...
    >  Scot:
    >  Many thanks - I'll certainly take a look at that list if you'll send it.
    >  Not sure what happened to the marketplace, I realize there were many
    >  acquisitions, and I suspect the market moved a little too slow to keep
    >  only companies in business.
    >  Lots of folks are mentioning Nortel Contivity - I'll have to look into
    >  Hate the idea of an 'integrated' box in the environment I'm going to
    >  recommend this into, as I know in the back of my mind that the FW
    >  functionality won't be left alone.  "If you have a toy, you have to play
    >  with it" syndrome...
    >  Thanks.
    Here's a list I sent to Jeff of some initial numbers and prices I had dug
    As I told him,..
    I was primarily looking for a low-cost appliance to provide dedicated VPN at
    at least T-1 speeds.  (I threw in Linksys and a couple others for hahas
    because I just KNEW I'd be asked later by someone in Marketing if I'd
    considered a Linksys since it's only $100.  Now I can say, "Why, yes I did.)
    These are *rough*.  I dug these up mostly from Vendor documentation.  Some I
    had to resort to online comparisons, speaking with SEs, etc.  
    		VPN Product Review
    							Throughput (in Mbps)
    Manufacturer	Model	  IPs		3DES	Cleartext	Tunnels
    ===============	=====	  ====	====	=========	========
    Netscreen		5-XP	  10?		13.00	  20.00	10
    Netscreen Doc
    Netscreen		5-XT	  10?		20.00	  70.00	10+  ??
    Netscreen Doc
    Checkpoint		S-Box	10/25 	3.00	  20.00	10		CP
    Cisco			PIX 501 10 		3.00	  10.00	5
    Cisco Doc
    Cisco			PIX 506  U		16.00	  20.00	25
    Cisco Doc
    Cisco			Rtr 806  U		0.30	   9.00	1?
    Cisco QA
    Sonic Wall		Tele3 SP 5		20.00	  75.00	5
    Sonic Wall		SOHO3	10-U		20.00	  75.00	10
    Watch Guard	FireB	V10	10/25		20.00	  75.00	10
    Symantec		100 R	  U		4.00	  16.00	10+?
    GNAT			RoboX   10		2.00	  20.00	10
    GTA Document
    Linksys		CableRtr/VPN	0.10	   0.30	1 		Cisco
    These things go roughly for list:
    Netscreen 5-XP		$500-$100  (depending on user license, 10 or unlim)
    Netscreen 5-XT		$700-$1200 (depending on user license, 10 or unlim)
    Checkpoint S-box		$600		(10 IPs)
    Cisco PIX 501		$700		(10 IPs)
    Cisco PIX 506/w 3DES	$2000		Pricier 
    Cisco 806 Router		$800		need fw features & 3DES
    Sonic Wall Tele3		$500		5 users
    Sonic Wall SOHO3		$700		10 users
    WatchGuard Firebox v10	$600		10 users
    Symantec			$500		No user limit
    GNAT RoboX			$1000		10 user
    Linksys			$100  	(buy two so you'll have one when it crashes
    at 2AM.
    						 Great home box on the
    cheap.  Wouldn't want to 
    							carry pager support
    for though.  ;)
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Paul D. Robertson [mailto:probertsat_private]
    Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 6:14 PM
    To: Scot Hartman
    Subject: RE: [fw-wiz] Hunt for VPN devices
    On Mon, 14 Oct 2002, Scot Hartman wrote:
    > I've got a list of the ones I've dug up, with their claimed numbers
    > and prices if you want me to send them to you.
    If you're still around today and wouldn't mind, it'd be nice to see it on 
    the list, so I don't have to approve another 8 or so individual posts...
    Paul D. Robertson      "My statements in this message are personal opinions
    probertsat_private      which may have no basis whatsoever in fact."
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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