FBI Virus Alerts

From: twistsiwtat_private
Date: Thu Sep 27 2001 - 10:03:26 PDT

  • Next message: Jay D. Dyson: "RE: Nimda et.al. versus ISP responsibility"

    Hi All,
    My boss has just had a phone call from one of our software vendors who has
    in turn been talking with a rep from Cardinal Software.  He said that the FBI
    have just finnished a meeting with many of the major software vendors
    regarding a flood of new Terrorist related viruses about to be released in
    the next couple of hours.  Some are supposed to be new, others are variants
    of Nimda (which will presumably have a more profound effect this time).
    Has anyone else heard these reports?  If it is true, we could have an even
    larger epidemic on our hands.  I know everyone this list has their patches upto date though right?  =)  As well all know though, new explouits are released everyday so be vigilant people & keep an eye out.  I would expect Cardinal to lie about this kind of thing to their customers...
    Scratch ya later
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