Solaris hack

From: Jamie Lawrence (jalat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 21 2002 - 20:05:06 PST

  • Next message: Bob Maccione: "RE: ckcool?"

    I'm helping with a Solaris 8 box that was rooted.
    The attacker replaced the /usr/bin/mc680*0 binaries,
    so many of the usual administrative commands are
    misbehaving. Is this from a rootkit anyone has seen
    This is a production box, and has to stay up for a while
    yet (the usual bad sort of administrative neglect), so reinstalling
    from scratch is not an approach I can take this minute.
    I'm just looking for pointers on what I can expect, so  I can
    hopefully temporarily plug some holes until the box can
    be rebuilt.
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